

Exercise, art, and happiness in Nosara

Exercise, health & happiness in Nosara…

One photo each from a variety of photo shoots this week.

Yoga at Villa Cotes, Nosara, Photo by Oriana Fowler
Yoga at Villa Cortes Retreat Center, Nosara.

Pilates at Pilates Nosara


Children doing an art activity with volunteers, at CEN in Nosara. Photo by Oriana Fowler.
Art project at preschool CEN, Nosara


Real Estate photo, room at Paspartu Hostel. Mural by Andrew Jacob.


Addison plays the guitar in Playa Guiones.  Photo by Oriana Fowler
Acoustic guitar by Addison at Harmony Juice Bar

Joy in Playa Guiones. Photo by Oriana Fowler
Open air laughter yoga by Sim


Beautiful sunset in Playa Pelada, view from Olga’s

Wishing you health, happiness & pura vida!
~ Oriana


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All photos by Oriana Fowler, Oriana Photography

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